
Grandma Bundy's Homemade Ice Cream

I think every family has a tradition of making homemade ice cream at family gatherings. I really love my grandma's and most the time it's lemon (who need i would ever love that). I had tried very many variations and it all comes back to this one being the best. Hands Down!


6 eggs
2 1/2 cup sugar
1 canned milk
1 pint heavy whipping cream
1 tbsp. Vanilla
2 tbsp. Lemon Extract
Whole milk


It helps to freeze your canister before you begin to mix your ice cream. Place all the mixed ingredients in the canister and fill the remaining container with whole milk until the line. (you will see it) Layer the outside and around the container with layered rock salt and ice. Let it mix until the machine turns off. There is nothing like homemade ice cream, it's the best!

{This recipe is for a large 6 qt. Canister, you can reduce the recipe if using the standard 4 qt.}
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